BMC Scholarships
General Information and Eligibility
Bibb Medical Center is pleased to award scholarships for students pursuing the healthcare field for their future profession. All scholarships will be awarded to the most qualified applicants meeting the criteria, as judged by the BMC Scholarship Committee. Students interested in applying for multiple scholarship opportunities need to only submit one application.
Application Period: January 1st - March 31st
Application Criteria
The scholarships offered within this application are designed to promote specific healthcare careers and encourage students to pursue healthcare careers within the Bibb Medical System.
Interested applicants must be:
Currently enrolled (or accepted for enrollment) at an accredited college/university or program of study as defined by individual scholarship guidelines.
High school students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher based on 4.0 grading scale as a full-time high school student.
College students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher based on 4.0 grading scale while taking 12 hours of class work and must be eligible for continued enrollment.
Majoring in or enrolling with the intent to major in a healthcare discipline.
All completed applications will be reviewed by the BMC Scholarship Committee. Incomplete applications will not be considered for any reason. Scholarship decisions will be made by the end of April each application year. Recipients will be notified of their award in writing. All scholarship checks will be mailed directly to the college/university or school of study once proof of enrollment for the academic year has been received. Checks will be mailed in mid-June.
Deadline: March 31st